Sprinkled Chocolate Spoons


I love how certain desserts can make me feel like a kid again. Cupcakes and anything with sprinkles always takes me back to my childhood. Over the weekend I decided it was time to revisit my youth and made chocolate spoons with rainbow, pearl, and peppermint sprinkles. It’s simple to make these dessert spoons, and always a hit at parties with coffee, tea or alone. Here is a step by step tutorial:

What you need: Sprinkles of your choice, or any little candies such as nerds, jelly beans, or chopped candy bars. 1 Bag of milk chocolate chips, spoons and paper plates.

1. Place the chocolate chips in a bowl and heat for 90 seconds.20130109-081654.jpg

2. Place spoons on paper plate so they are leveled and pour chocolate onto the spoon.20130109-081646.jpg


3. Add candy of your choice to melted chocolate on the spoons20130109-081618.jpg

4. Place in the refrigerator for 15 minutes to harden chocolate20130109-081609.jpg